Et s’il y avait une part de génie en chacun de nous ? 
Nous vivons dans une société visant à créer des adultes rationnels évoluant dans un monde logique. Négligeant, voir oubliant parfois complètement la créativité, l’imagination et la petite dose de folie nécessaire aux grandes idées. La créativité est partie intégrante de la vie, nécessaire à notre épanouissement personnel. Elle nous fait avancer, nous fait grandir mais nous permet également de nous réinventer sans cesse. Beyond Genius a pour objectif de motiver, dynamiser et engager à cultiver sa créativité, se reconnecter à sa part de génie et étendre le champ des possibles. 

How to unleash our inner genius ? 
Traditional school education prepares us to become rational and logical adults. 
However, it doesn’t always encourage us to think out of the box or enhance our creativity. 
Unfortunately this part is often overlooked. 

We all need to push the limits of our imagination - a little dose of craziness can help us come up with big ideas. This project aims to help people discover their inner genius and extend creative possibilities. Designed to motivate and engage people to embrace their creativity. Showing us just how much genius can be a catalyst to innovation as well as an essential element to personal growth. ​​​​​​​
This project is something I had it in mind for over a year (thinking & collecting all the content) and made it come to life in 2 months ⏳ for my master's diploma. I created a kit of genius to unleash your creativity and expand toward growth and success. 

After a period of research, observation and focus on the most creative and productive minds of all times, I defined 7 keys and habits these people developed that greatly influenced their creative success. My goal was to make them accessible to anyone through a simple kit. 

In this kit are 7 objects each representing one of these 7 keys.
Kit of geniuses
For the moment, I will only be posting small bits of this project online. But you can still have a look at what my stand looked like. I made a lot of illustrations, calligraphy, augmented reality posters, a happy family card gamebooks and t-shirts, a set of postcards and a calendar.

This project is all about productivity and reaching your higher self, between entrepreneurship and self development.  
This kit contains :
- a Happy Family card game
- a set of madness postcards 
- a book of meditation (with a set of meditation cards)
- a book of geniuses
- motivational tote bags and t-shirts
- a productivity calendar

Jeu de 7 familles - Card game
Set of Madness postcards
Motivational totebag

" Essayer. Rater. Peu importe. Essayer encore. Rater encore. Rater mieux."

" Ever tried. Ever fail. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

Samuel Beckett

P. 36 from the Book of Genuises
Page 42 from the Book of Geniuses 

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